I arrived safely to Europe’s second newest capital, Bratislava.Well, almost. I am actually 14km outside Bratislava, in the region’s wine country, Svaty Jur. Compared with Bratislava, it is a sleepy little town that only has 3 restaurants, 1 hotel and a couple of shops that sell almost next to nothing. It has many things to do there. There is a hill I can walk up to get some exercise. I can try asking for things using my ever abysmal Slovak. Or, I can sit on one of the patios drinking beer and eating pizza.
My landlady is a woman called Mariana who speaks very little English. We get by thanks to help from an old slovensky slovnik (Slovak Dictionary) where she can look up difficult words. She is very hospitable as she insists on making me dinner and sorting me out breakfast. Mariana also insists on doing my washing, but I think this is taking things too far.
She is afraid that I don't know enough Slovak to read the labels, so she marks every food item in English.
My office is a stone’s throw away, which is very handy. However, most of the teaching takes place elsewhere in companies around Bratislava.
More pictures soon. In the meantime, enjoy the link to small town Slovakia
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